The EXP (Experimental) bits in the MPLS header are used for QoS. The EXP field is 3 bits long, which is the same length as the IPP field. (The IPP field is deprecated but the first three bits of the DSCP value map directly to an IPP value).
When an ingress PE does label imposition, it automatically copies the IP Precedence value in the IP header to the MPLS header EXP value. This is true for both IOS-XE and IOS-XR.
QoS for MPLS is very similar to regular QoS on IP traffic, except you match on the MPLS EXP value instead of DSCP, IPP, CoS, etc.
QoS Group
You should also be aware of the QoS Group feature, which is used to map an EXP value to a QoS Group, which is an internal “tag” put on the packet. This is used on the egress PE in order to apply policy to traffic without needing to classify IP traffic.
The problem that QoS group solves, is that the MPLS label has been popped off already when preforming shaping on the egress interface of the egress PE, so you can’t match the EXP value any longer. The solution is to map the EXP value to a QoS Group on ingress, and then shape the traffic on egress based on the QoS Group. The QoS Group is basically an internal placeholder. It is not a literal marking on the packet itself, but instead an internal marking associated with the packet and held in memory on the router. In the lab below we’ll use the QoS Group feature to solve the problem of shaping on the egress interface on the egress PE.
We’ll use a regular L3VPN topology, with an extra C router at each site (C1 and C2). Here are the startup configs:
hostname C1
line con 0
logging sync
int Gi1
ip address
no shut
router ospf 1
network area 0
username cisco password cisco
enable password cisco
line vty 0 4
login local
transport input telnet
hostname CE1
line con 0
logging sync
int Gi1
ip address
no shut
int Gi2
ip address
no shut
router bgp 65000
neighbor remote-as 100
network mask
router ospf 1
redistribute bgp 65000
network area 0
hostname C2
line con 0
logging sync
int Gi1
ip address
no shut
router ospf 1
network area 0
username cisco password cisco
enable password cisco
line vty 0 4
login local
transport input telnet
hostname CE2
line con 0
logging sync
int Gi1
ip address
no shut
int Gi2
ip address
no shut
router bgp 65001
neighbor remote-as 100
network mask
router ospf 1
redistribute bgp 65001
network area 0
hostname PE1
line con 0
logging sync
vrf definition CUSTOMER
rd 100:1
route-target both 100:1
address-family ipv4 unicast
int Gi1
vrf forwarding CUSTOMER
ip address
no shut
int Gi2
ip address
no shut
ip router isis
isis network point-to-point
mpls ip
int lo0
ip address
ip router isis
router isis
net 49.0001.0000.0000.0001.00
is-type level-2-only
router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor update-source lo0
address-family vpnv4
neighbor activate
address-family ipv4 unicast vrf CUSTOMER
neighbor remote-as 65000
hostname P3
line con 0
logging sync
int Gi1
ip address
no shut
ip router isis
isis network point-to-point
mpls ip
int Gi2
ip address
no shut
ip router isis
isis network point-to-point
mpls ip
int lo0
ip address
ip router isis
router isis
net 49.0001.0000.0000.0003.00
is-type level-2-only
hostname P4
int Gi0/0/0/1
ip address
no shut
int Gi0/0/0/0
ip address
no shut
int lo0
ip address
router isis 1
net 49.0001.0000.0000.0004.00
is-type level-2-only
interface Gi0/0/0/0
address-family ipv4 unicast
int Gi0/0/0/1
address-family ipv4 unicast
int Lo0
address-family ipv4 unicast
mpls ldp
int Gi0/0/0/0
int Gi0/0/0/1
hostname PE2
address-family ipv4 unicast
import route-target 100:1
export route-target 100:1
int Gi0/0/0/1
ip address
no shut
int Gi0/0/0/0
ip address
no shut
int lo0
ip address
router isis 1
net 49.0001.0000.0000.0002.00
is-type level-2-only
int Gi0/0/0/1
address-family ipv4 unicast
int Lo0
address-family ipv4 unicast
router bgp 100
address-family ipv4 unicast
address-family vpnv4 unicast
remote-as 100
update-source lo0
address-family vpnv4 unicast
rd 100:1
address-family ipv4 unicast
remote-as 65001
address-family ipv4 unicast
route-policy PASS in
route-policy PASS out
mpls ldp
int Gi0/0/0/1
route-policy PASS
If you’ve setup the inital lab correctly, you should be able to telnet from C1 to C2.
The customer has purchased QoS service from the SP. The SLA gaurantees that voice traffic will have 5mb and low latency, while data traffic will have 20mb and no latency gaurantee. The SP tells the customer that the voice traffic must be marked with IPP 5 or DSCP 46 (EF) in order to receive this treatment.
For this lab, we’ll use icmp as a substitute for voice traffic, and telnet as a substitute for general data traffic.
On the C routers, we’ll create an input policy that simply lets us count the IP Precedence markings on received traffic. We’ll use this to validate the markings on received traffic.
#C1, C2
class-map IPP_1
match ip precedence 1
class-map IPP_2
match ip precedence 2
class-map IPP_3
match ip precedence 3
class-map IPP_4
match ip precedence 4
class-map IPP_5
match ip precedence 5
class-map IPP_6
match ip precedence 6
class-map IPP_7
match ip precedence 7
class-map IPP_0
match ip precedence 0
policy-map COUNT_IPP
class IPP_0
class IPP_1
class IPP_2
class IPP_3
class IPP_4
class IPP_5
class IPP_6
class IPP_7
int Gi1
service-policy input COUNT_IPP
From C1, ping C2 and telnet to C2. Then check the counters on the class maps on the policy-map applied to Gi1.
Telnet automatically uses IP Precedence 6. This is because telnet is considered as network traffic. Network traffic is given the highest preference, IPP 6 and 7. We’ll need to re-mark this on the CEs in order to substitute telnet as voice traffic in our lab.
On CE1 and CE2, create an input service policy which matches IPP 6 and re-marks it as IPP 5.
#CE1, CE2
class-map IPP_6
match ip precedence 6
policy-map REMARK_TELNET
class IPP_6
set ip precedence 5
int Gi1
service-policy input REMARK_TELNET
Telnet from C1 to C2 again, and this time you should see the IPP_5 counters climb.
If we take a pcap at any point in the SP network, we can see that the IP Precedence is automatically mapped to the EXP field in all MPLS labels. Both the transport and service label reflect the IP Precedence value.
We’ll now configure the SP QoS policy which will reserve bandwidth and minimize delay for voice traffic.
class-map VOICE
match mpls experimental topmost 5
policy-map VOICE_POLICY
class VOICE
priority 5000
class class-default
bandwidth 20000
int Gi2
service-policy output VOICE_POLICY
class-map VOICE
match mpls experimental topmost 5
policy-map VOICE_POLICY
class VOICE
priority 5000
class class-default
bandwidth 20000
int range Gi1-2
service-policy output VOICE_POLICY
class-map VOICE
match mpls experimental topmost 5
policy-map VOICE_POLICY
class VOICE
priority level 1
class class-default
bandwidth 20000
int Gi0/0/0/0
service-policy output VOICE_POLICY
int Gi0/0/0/1
service-policy output VOICE_POLICY
class-map VOICE
match mpls experimental topmost 5
policy-map VOICE_POLICY
class VOICE
priority level 1
class class-default
bandwidth 20000
int Gi0/0/0/1
service-policy output VOICE_POLICY
Initiate telnet traffic between the C routers again. If you check any core routers, you should see the VOICE class counters incrementing. (XRv does not appear to work - it tells me that the service policy is not installed. I believe this is just a limitation of the virtual image. You can apply the policy in the config but it doesn’t actually take effect.)
The problem right now is that we are not applying the policy to the egress interfaces on PE1 and PE2 when they act as the egress PE. The router cannot look up the MPLS EXP field in this case, because the MPLS labels are already gone. Instead of classifying the traffic on egress, we can use the qos-group to classify the traffic on ingress and map it to a qos-group. We can then use the qos-group in the policy that is applied to the egress interface facing the CE.
policy-map EXP_TO_QOSGROUP
class VOICE
set qos-group 5
class-map QOS_GROUP_5
match qos-group 5
class QOS_GROUP_5
priority 5000
class class-default
bandwidth 20000
int Gi2
service-policy input EXP_TO_QOSGROUP
int Gi1
service-policy output EGRESS_VOICE_POLICY
policy-map EXP_TO_QOSGROUP
class VOICE
set qos-group 5
class-map QOS_GROUP_5
match qos-group 5
class QOS_GROUP_5
priority level 1
class class-default
bandwidth 20000
int Gi0/0/0/1
service-policy input EXP_TO_QOSGROUP
int Gi0/0/0/0
service-policy output EGRESS_VOICE_POLICY
The commit fails for me on XRv, however we can verify that this policy is working on PE1. Initiate the telnet traffic again and check the counters on both the input policy on Gi2 and output policy on Gi1.
This was a simple lab exercise to get some familiarity with how QoS works in a service provider’s MPLS network. We see that we can only have a maximum of 8 different queues or classes in the MPLS network, as the EXP field is only 3 bits long. By default the IP Precedence value on an IP packet is mapped to the EXP field when MPLS labels are imposed on an IP packet.
We can also use the QoS-Group feature to mark received packets which will have their labels popped off by the time they egress the other interface. This prevents us from having to classify the IP traffic on egress.
As you can see, the QoS tools we use for MPLS on IOS-XE and IOS-XR are extremely similar to QoS in the enterprise world.