How to Use These Labs
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Each lab contains a .yaml file which can be imported into CML2. Each .yaml file already has a "no shutdown" configured on each interface, so when you run the lab you should have a fully functional lab with the initial configs, and no additional configuration needed.
Many labs require a XRv9000 due to the limitations of the XRv. The XRv9000 can take around 20 minutes to boot up. If you try to login before it is fully booted up, it will require you to enter a root username and password. However, if you give it 20-30 minutes to boot, it will apply the config and you can login with cisco/cisco. You will usually know it is fully booted up once you see the logging messages that the interfaces have changed to "up."
My CML instance uses XRv 6.3.1, CSR1000v 17.03.02, and XRv9000 7.2.2. If your CML version uses different versions, you will need to change this in the yaml file. Each node has its own image definition, which you will need to change to your particular version.
If you want to use EVE-NG instead of CML, you can download the startup txt files in zip format at the top of each lab. (If you are using CML, there is no need to download the startup configs). You would need to build out the topology yourself by looking at the lab diagram, and then you can apply the start configs. I'm not aware of a good way to convert CML .yaml files to .unl EVE-NG files, but if anyone knows a way that it can be done, please contact me and let me know how.
You can download all lab startup configs in single zip file here: